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3DIQ and Herefish

Create Herefish Automations using 3DIQ

Tim Walker avatar
Written by Tim Walker
Updated over a week ago

Has your client not viewed a resume link or maybe viewed it but not provided feedback? Spend less time manually emailing or contacting clients and candidates using note actions to automate email touchpoints.

All 3DIQ automations triggered using our standard Note Actions . These notes include:

  • "3DIQ - Client Submission". Occurs when the account manager sends the public resume link to the client from within 3DIQ.

  • "3DIQ - Resume Viewed". Occurs the first time the 3DIQ public resume URL is clicked. 'Comments' indicate an additional view on each subsequent view.

  • "3DIQ - Feedback: Positive". Occurs when the recipient (clientContact) provides positive feedback.

  • "3DIQ - Feedback: Negative". Occurs when the recipient (clientContact) provides negative feedback.

Herefish will use the note action and time of these notes were written to drive automations.

Client Submission Automations

  • If there is a Client Submission with no Resume View for 24 hours (or 48, etc), automate an email back to the client asking them to review the candidate resume

  • If there is a Client Submission, automate an email to the client asking them to log in to ClientConnect to see most recent candidates

  • If there is a Resume View, but no Feedback note, automate an email to the client asking them to give feedback.

Feedback Automations

  • If there is a Feedback:Positive note on a resume, automate an email to the candidate saying "congratulations" and that you'll be following up to schedule an interview

  • If there is Feedback:Negative, automate an email to the candidate

3DIQ Resume Link

Finally, 3DIQ has created a way for Herefish to automatically generate 3DIQ Resume Links using the following format:

corpID: The Bullhorn corporation ID

jobID: The Bullhorn Job number

candidateID: The Bullhorn candidate number of the submitted candidate

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