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Recruiter Notes

Editable notes you use to highlight your candidate

Tim Walker avatar
Written by Tim Walker
Updated over a week ago

Recruiter Notes are designed to allow you to communicate important information directly with your client or hiring manager. These notes are customizable, can include links, and will always be visible to your client before they view the candidate's resume. Finally, when generating a Client Submission, 3DIQ will copy and paste your notes into a pre-populated submission email.

You can add notes by typing them directly in to the "Recruiter Notes" box in 3DIQ, or by adding them to the "Comments" field in Bullhorn when creating a candidate submission. For most users, the second option is best, as it allows you to use saved templates and document your notes inside of Bullhorn.

Using Bullhorn Submission Comments:

During the internal submission process (“Add Submission”), anything added into the "Comments" field will transfer automatically into the 3DIQ Recruiter Notes. You are able to add images, use pre-created templates, and add notes as needed:

Create templates in Bullhorn by selecting the “Submission Templates” arrow and clicking “New”. These templates can include text as well as dynamic content, including:

  • Images

  • Custom text styles (font, size and color)

Once the Submission is complete, the candidate will appear in 3DIQ. When viewing the candidate profile in 3DIQ, the comments will automatically populate in Recruiter Notes.

You can also cut/paste notes from Word, Google Docs, or other sources directly into Recruiter Notes. Please be aware, this may require you to clean the formatting. There are built-in tools at the top of the box to help with this, including Clear Formatting, Font Size/Color, etc.)

When you are satisfied with the notes, click ‘Save Notes’ to the lower right. These are now part of the Candidate Profile.

Viewing the Candidate Profile:

When your client views the candidate profile (clicks on the resume link), the notes are displayed.

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